Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy "Birth"day to My Blog!

Photo Credit: "Afternoon Tea" by Diane Leonard

Baby just went down for a nap.  Dinner is in the crockpot.  Tea has been brewed. The house is quiet. Now's my chance!
I can't even tell you how many times I have thought to myself "I gotta post this on my blog".   I spent hours setting up the website...months ago.  I have taken pictures of things I have baked, new recipes I have tried and thought of countless things to blog about. The files are all still sitting on my hard drive. But I am finally doing it!
I suppose my desire to blog is not in any way original.  Girl gets pregnant.  Girl has baby.  Girl stays at home with baby.  Girl couldn't be happier.  Girl starts blog about getting pregnant, having baby, loving being at home.  The end.
But,'s actually just the beginning!  Remember...this is MY blog's "birth"day!  So, while I do realize that there are countless blogs out there written by moms who have nothing better to do (joking!...seriously joking!) My goal is to present a blog that resembles a "tea tasting", of sorts, highlighting different flavor notes in each post.  Some will be light; others deep, fruity, smoky, dark, smooth, tangy, flowery, minty (that's for you, hubby!), full-bodied and, of course, always loose with milk-in-first!  Please do come again!
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